
正规的网赌平台 is pleased to provide you access to its computing and information facilities, 为了支持你的教育目标.

正规的网赌平台 - Computer Networks Acceptable Use Guidelines

Your access to the University’s computing facilities and networks is granted subject to local, 状态, 联邦法律和大学司法法典. 这些指导方针旨在促进法律, 道德, 学术诚信, 鼓励限制共享资源的消耗. Adherence to these guidelines demonstrates respect for the laws of intellectual property, 数据所有权, 系统安全机制, and for an individual’s rights to privacy and freedom from intimidation, 骚扰, 以及不必要的烦恼.

正规的网赌平台希望你有责任心, 道德 behavior according to these guidelines when using its computing facilities. Access to the University Computer resources is granted as long as these guidelines are followed. By connecting and or logging on to the University computers and networks the user agrees to the terms and conditions of these Acceptable Use Guidelines as outlined below.


  • 您对您帐户的所有使用负责. 保护你的密码. Do not tell it or show it to anyone, including family members, friends or acquaintances. 完成后请正确退出系统. 您的帐户仅供您个人使用.
  • Do not use another person’s account regardless of how access to the account is obtained.


您的账户是为了实现您的教育目标而设立的. You may not use 正规的网赌平台’s computer resources to solicit sales, 开展业务或宣传或销售服务. This also applies to the use of any University resources through your 个人 computers.


  • You may not copy or attempt to modify any University-owned 软件。, 除非大学允许. 任何收据, 传输, use or destruction of 软件。 or data must observe US copyright laws, 许可证限制.
  • Altering or destroying any document or file of which you are not the owner is a violation of these guidelines.


  • Connecting a 个人 computer or device to the University-owned network and computers must be authorized by the 正规的网赌平台’s Information Technology department.
  • You may not engage in activities which damage or disrupt the hardware, 软件。, 或通信, such as virus creation and propagation and overloading the network with excessive data.
  • 你不能垄断, 误用或浪费系统资源, 例如, requesting multiple copies from printers or by playing games in the labs.
  • You may not forge or otherwise misrepresent another’s identity through any form of communication
  • You may not attempt to circumvent protection mechanisms or exercise security procedures in any computer or network component.
  • 您不得传送或使无障碍具有攻击性, 烦人的, 或者骚扰材料, 例如广播未经请求的信息或发送不需要的邮件.
  • You may not intentionally access or damage systems or information that is not yours, 比如大学记录, 或使用任何系统进行非法活动.
  • 不得使用信息库, 是否打开或受保护以派生或生成邮件列表, 你自己用也好,别人用也好.
  • 大学寻求保护公民, 个人, and property rights of those who use its computing resources as well as those whose student or employment records are maintained on its computing systems. Any unlawful attempt to access these resources is a serious offense.


  • 大学不会对任何资料的遗失负责, damage to the hardware or 软件。 on your 个人 systems at 首页。 or in the Residential Halls.
  • 正规的网赌平台相信用户的隐私权, 然而, 当有足够的证据证明不法行为时, the University reserves the right to examine and impound any files, information or computer systems resident or attached to its networks

Conduct which involves the use of the University resources in an inappropriate manner or which violates another person’s rights may result in revocation of computing usage privileges and is subject to University disciplinary action as outlined in the University’s Policies and Judicial Code. Such conduct may also be subject to criminal or civil legal action.

Note: All Rules and Regulations are subject to change without prior notice. 正规的网赌平台 reserves the right to make any changes as deemed necessary.

Complaints regarding allegations of copyright infringement involving the 正规的网赌平台 computer network should be addressed to provost@布里奇波特.edu.



UBNet帐户现在是在线生成的. 没有必要把文件归档. 下面是它的工作原理:

  1. 首先,您必须验证您是否有资格申请一个帐户. You will not be able to get an account if you are not eligible for it. 请参阅下一节的资格名单.
  2. The following page will present you with our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). 所有当前和未来的UBNet用户都必须遵守它. 如果您有任何保留或不接受, you will not be able to get an account online and will have to contact the I.T. 部门解决问题.
  3. 在接受AUP后, you will be asked for your UB ID number (That’s the number on your UB ID card). If you do not know your UB ID number, please contact your Academic Advisor for information. Current employees can find their UB ID number at the top right side of their latest pay-stub. You will also be asked for your first and last name, and your birth date. All those questions will be compared to our database in order to verify your identity.
  4. Once your identity is verified, you will be given your new account information.
  5. Although you already have your information, the accounts are actually created overnight. 所以在接下来的两天(48小时)里你必须耐心等待。.
  6. 你应该可以在申请后的第二天使用这个账户. 如果到那时你仍然被拒绝访问, 很可能出了什么事, 你应该和我们联系.


To be eligible for a new UBNet account, you must be one of the following:

  1. Currently registered Full/Part-time student of 正规的网赌平台.
  2. 获得许可的特殊学生.
  3. 正规的网赌平台的教职员工.


Any person eligible for a UBNet account can get only ONE (1) account. 这条规则没有例外!


With it, you will be able to access many systems that are available only to the UB community.

  • 如果您是UB申请人,您将能够:
    • 登录WebAdvisor -我们的在线学术系统.
    • 维护你的账户(更改/重置密码等)
  • 如果您是UB学生,您将能够:
    • 登录UB的许多系统,如Email, MYUB门户, 计算机实验室和图书馆系统中的机器.
    • 有学校的电子邮件地址吗.
  • Your account will be automatically promoted to a full UBNet account once you are transferred from an applicant to registered student status.

For Help and instructions on how to login to the portal and how to use the portal please visit 布里奇波特.edu/myub

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